Installfest! The first Workshop!

Posted on by angad

We had the first workshop for the Hack Workshop Series on 3rd September Friday @ SR11 in SoC. The workshop was attended by around 35 people and we had almost everybody who had registered for the workshop!

The workshop covered installing Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) in Virtual Box for most of the attendees and as a 2nd OS for those who requested. Unfortunately, the SoC network was damn slow and we had to pass thumb-drives around for the VirtualBox setup. But ultimately it worked out and within half an hour everybody was running an Ubuntu VM! The coreteam members were helping around with different kinds of installation issues and everything worked out smooth.

Next topic was package installation through Synaptics Package Manager and through command line. We also helped setup a LAMP server which would help everybody test their PHP code later.

The main aim of the workshop was to introduce to the look and feel of Ubuntu Linux and some basic Terminal commands. Those who are starting programming in the Linux environment for web applications would find it really helpful to practice some commands, google errors (if any) and try and find the solution of the problems they face. Otherwise we are always there to help.

Here is the material for the workshop.

You can ping us anytime coreteam (at) linuxnus (dot) org if you face any problem with setting up your Linux or any issue with drivers etc.

The Hack Workshop Series, sponsored by IDA Singapore, equips geeks/non-geeks with a good base in development and idea execution.

It is co-organized with NES, Garag3, e27, Hackerspace and NOC Alumni.

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